Kelly Haley
Kelly is a mom of 3, prefers sledding over skiing, and is passionate about building community through movement. Kelly has a Masters in Exercise Physiology from San Diego State University, is a Certified Personal Trainer - Restorative Exercise Specialist through the Nutritious Movement Center, a BRM® pro with the Body Ready Method®, a certified RYC® teacher and has a Postnatal Fitness Specialist certification through JMG Fitness Academy.
Kelly began her journey in the fitness industry over 20 years ago working with athletes of all ages, from middle school through professional. She also worked for the Department of Defense researching warfighter physiological performance. Kelly has worked as a one-on-one personal trainer as well as a group exercise instructor in many different modalities including running, strength training, Baptiste Yoga, Peak Pilates, and Spinning. Kelly now focuses on the effect a natural movement lifestyle has on biological processes such as pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery, as well as longevity, body mechanics and quality of life for all populations.
To book with Kelly, email or text:, (720) 316- 6199